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The Walking Dead

I love “The Walking Dead.” Who doesn’t? The pure rawness of, well, everything is a real treat to watch. I love the raw emotion, storytelling, performances, tone, and especially the burning intensity. If I were to break “TWD” by season, it would be like this:

Season 1- Visceral and slow-burning intensity make this season a great, but rather short, start to the series.

Season 2- Though it has its moments, I feel as though season 2 slows down and loses some of the original season 1 steam.

Season 3- I actually really liked this one, despite hearing that some people didn’t like it as much. I really liked the idea of the prison setting, and loved the fact that it focused on the characters a bit more. If I had to point out one flaw, it would be Rick’s character. I found myself saying “Oh, come on, Rick!” at least a few times.

Season 4- Featuring the best plot twist in the show’s history, season 4 featured a rather cliché element, but still retained those fulfilling “The Walking Dead” moments we all love.

"The Walking Dead" is a savior among the zombie genre. One day, I'll make a true review of the entire show, but I have yet to even watch season 5. But, so far, it is a fantastic show.


The rating scale is as follows:

10/10- Stellar, no flaws, masterpiece.

9/10- Fantastic, little to no flaws.

8/10- Excellent, only a few negatives.

7/10- Very good, not too many mistakes.

6/10- Good, enjoyable, but there are a handful of flaws.

5/10- Average, weak, not recommended.

4/10- Very weak, plenty of flaws.

3/10- Bad, lots of awful aspects.

2/10- Terrible, a melting pot of flaws.

1/10- One of the worst of its kind.

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