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"Cheers, love! The calvary's here!"

Riley: "Overwatch," which was announced back in Blizzcon 2014, is Blizzard’s first new franchise since Starcraft, which was released in 1998. "Overwatch" is a First Person Shooter (FPS), which emphasized the use of individual Heros which have their own unique style of gameplay instead of the traditional, “Create A Class” style of first person shooters. "Overwatch" features several different game modes which all consist of 6 players vs 6.

Braden: Ah, “Overwatch;” the “Team Fortress 2” killer, the ‘best new first-person, team-based shooter,’ and the ‘savior of all recent games.’ It was quite hyped up at launch (and for good reason too, being infamous game curator Blizzard’s newest product), and hasn’t slowed down in popularity since. But what exactly makes it so good?

Braden: It could be because of the stunning (albeit flashy) art design, with basically the whole color scale flashing across your screen at every given single moment. It’s pretty, sure, but that can’t be just it…

Riley: It could also be the fast- paced gameplay that keeps you on your toes.

Riley: "Overwatch" features a diverse selection of heros, from a Female Russian Bodybuilder to a Gorilla Scientist. Every hero is put into one of four categories (Attack, Defence, Tank and Support). Each hero has an ability which can be accessed by pressing (LShift- PC, L1- PS4, LB- Xbox one), and a second ability which is activated by pressing (E- PC, R1- PS4, RB- Xbox one), also each hero has a primary fire which are unique in different ways, but only some have a secondary fire.

Braden: It could also be in part to what is perhaps the series’ strongest traits: the heroes themselves. Instead of, say, a total of 9 classes seen in similar games like the aforementioned “Team Fortress 2,” here, Blizzard decided to feature a whopping total of 21 ‘heroes’ (and with more yet to come). By adding this stunning amount of diversity into the game, it allows the player to switch between completely different playstyles instantly, allowing for the tide of the ongoing battle to switch at a moment’s notice.

Riley: Blizzard is going on the path similar to Dota 2 and League of Legends, instead of making classes, as I said earlier, "Overwatch" will feature new characters as the game goes through updates.

Braden: And the abilities the heroes have themselves are interesting on their own as well- from being able to mount a gigantic attack-blocking wall of ice in the middle of a battlefield to being able to revive fallen teammates on the fly, all of the individual heroes have their own widely unique abilities to bring to the table.

Riley: The abilities in "Overwatch" are some I have never seen in any game, or even thought of, the style and how unique each ability is one thing Blizzard demonstrated very well in Overwatch.

Braden: All in all, it’s just a really fast-paced experience.

Braden: One other thing that I just have to bring up is arguably what this game is all about: the teamwork. Despite having the option to, yes, go and do your own thing on the battlefield, this game heavily encourages actual teamwork, and that’s something that I’ve always wanted in the games I play; and, luckily, “Overwatch” delivers on that promise.

Riley: I would agree with this statement, in "Overwatch" the whole game is dependant on how you play as a team, not individual. Sometimes you get stuck with new players and they may not be the best at the game… Braden. Blizzard has done things to keep players with the same skill level together, I’m a level 31 and if I’m playing by myself I find I get put in with players who have a similar skill level to mine.

Braden: I have but one flaw with “Overwatch,” and it’s only become to light because of one of the game’s biggest strengths: the fast pacing. It’s amazing when you’re actually in a game itself, but after a few or so of them, I actually found myself being worn out by all of the, overall, pure, raw energy this game provides. In short, this game is really just best in short bursts of playing sessions.

Braden: But, when all is said and done, “Overwatch” is still an immensely solid game. The visuals are appealing, the gameplay is exciting, and the heroes are interesting in their own right, but, most of all, this game is just downright fun to play. And, when you really think about it, what else more could you want than that?

Riley: **Cough** **Cough**... Competitive Matchmaking… **Cough** **Cough**

8.5/10- Gorgeous, smart, and, above all, fun, “Overwatch” is one of this year’s top games that is certainly not to be missed (written by Braden); I have spent alot of time playing "Overwatch," almost too much… Even after all of this time spent, I still enjoy playing "Overwatch" (written by Riley).


The rating scale is as follows:

10/10- Stellar, no flaws, masterpiece.

9/10- Fantastic, little to no flaws.

8/10- Excellent, only a few negatives.

7/10- Very good, not too many mistakes.

6/10- Good, enjoyable, but there are a handful of flaws.

5/10- Average, weak, not recommended.

4/10- Very weak, plenty of flaws.

3/10- Bad, lots of awful aspects.

2/10- Terrible, a melting pot of flaws.

1/10- One of the worst of its kind.

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